Global Account
Your Qbit account
unlocks opportunities
We cover over 180 countries and support withdrawals in over 40
currencies – that’s considerably more than most other providers.
Get started
Receive payments anytime, everywhere.
Save 90%
Easily collect worldwide without costly fees or monthly charges.
Available in over 180 countries/regions and 40 currencies.
Collection from major marketplaces such as Shopify, eBay, and TikTok directly.
Streamline your global cash management.
Free and simple Qbit account opening. Get the benefits of a local bank account overseas without the complex process.
No more waiting for payments. With Qbit, receive real-time payments and instant settlements within 24 hours.
No account opening fees, monthly maintenance charges, or minimum transaction requirements.
Distinguish your operations through localization.
40+countries where you can open local currency accounts with local bank details.
Connect directly to mainstream e-commerce platforms with efficient synchronisation of funds and information flow.
Collection based on varying business scenarios and trade types. Transit seamlessly to an omni-channel strategy.
Manage your operational risks.
Seamlessly manage across all of your business entities from one unified platform.
Set individual permissions for employees and third parties, including ‘view only’ access.
Create separate accounts for each entity and customise multi-layered approval workflows.
Security is at our core.
Regulatory compliance
Highly compliant with global industry regulations with payment licenses & qualifications in multiple countries and regions including America and Hong Kong.
Financial security
Rigorous measures are adapted to ensure the security of customers' funds, and financial solutions are recognized by partner banks and institutions.
Risk control
Leading security and risk control systems, AI, and big data technologies are applied to monitor transaction risks in real time.
Data Security
Qbit has established a well-defined information management system. All data is protected through encryption, and shall not be disclosed with no authentication.
Manage your cash flows with a single bank account.
Get an account